Wednesday, November 15, 2006

My Love/Hate Relationship with Deer.

New blog. First post. I guess I'm "connected" now. Stefanie and I live and pastor in Drexel, MO, and Stefanie travels to Kansas City every day for her position at Naz. HQ. Yesterday, she had a literal run-in with a rather large deer, which probably totaled her car. She's OK, but the deer and the car were munched.

I like deer. I think they're graceful, pretty, and powerful... until they t-bone my wife's car at 7:00 in the morning. I like deer. Especially when they're in the sights of my .54 cal muzzleloader. I like deer, but I must admit that if I go hunting here in the next couple of weeks, I'm out for vengeance...


Unknown said...


Awesome buck dude! Good hunting if you get the chance to go. I will be out this Saturday Nov 18th for the Indiana opener. I hope a big one comes into the sights of my .54 Cal.


Steve said...

So Mark, did you get the deer you were looking for?